Certified Private Limited Company on UK

We have actively worked to make our service accessible to everyone around the world. As a result our company has been recognized as a private limited company in UK.
COMPANY NO : 15104028

We are a trusted digital service provider across the world. We have already served many global clients from our company. Your support will motivate us to provide better service.

We have Business Identification Number & VAT Certificate

We are Registered on Customs, Excise and VAT Commissionerate, Mymensingh Division . We have always been paying the income tax determined by the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh within the stipulated time every year to keep our business standards intact. So we have a designated Business Identity Number & Value Added Tax Registration Certificate.

BIN : 001614344-0956

A business entity is solvent only when its specific identity is recorded. So we are working to ensure maximum service to our customers by carrying our distinct identity.

we are Follow BTRC Rules

We have contracted with the SIM companies of Bangladesh as per the BTRC rules.

For customer service and our own promotional messaging, we have contracted with each SIM company in accordance with BTRC's terms and conditions.
As a result, all our business information is stored with BTRC. So we are able to provide our services to you very easily. We are working 24 hours a day to improve our customer service.

We are available on Google map

Finding the right identity of a business can make it easy to trust that business or organization. Many virtual business organizations never want to share their business location.

But we never tried to hide anything of ours. We are easily sharing the location of our organization through our Google Business to provide reliable service to our customers. Our customers can easily get reliable service from us through our office visit.

DMCA Protects our content

We use DMCA's security protection for content privacy & Block Scammer on our website. We focus on everything to provide the highest level of service to our customers. So we can definitely consider ourselves the best in terms of quality and service.

To check Our Certificate from here : https://www.dmca.com/r/k1zzzx6

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